
Zamangwane Foundation

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore


Learners Awards

Zamangwane Foundation acknowledges, recognises and encourages learners through offering awards.

Award Category

Music Instruments

  1. Male & Female Saxophone Player
  2. Male & Female Drum Player
  3. Male & Female Keyboard Player
  4. Male & Female Guitar Player
Award Category


  1. Male & Female Art Designer
  2. Ballet Dancer
  3. Male & Female Dancer
  4. Male & Female MC
  5. Male & Female Performer
  6. Male & Female Singer
  7. Male & Female Traditional Dancer
  8. Male & Female Poet
Award Category


  1. Male & Female Athlete
  2. Hockey Player
  3. Netball Player
  4. Soccer Player
  5. Male & Female Swimmer
  6. Male & Female Chess Player
Award Category

Special Awards

  1. Most Friendly Learner
  2. Ticket Seller of the Year
  3. Most Innovative Inventor
  4. Most Improved Male & Female Learner
  5. Male & Female Public Speaker

All the Special Awards category will include any of these prizes:

  • Prize Money
  • Clothing Voucher
  • Grocery Voucher
  • Laptops
  • Smartphones
  • Fully Paid Trips
  • Flights
  • Food and Accommodation